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The Star Ferry - consultancy for team development and coaching

team development, coaching and mediation

"Changes in mindset and behaviour through a combined awareness of the head and the heart"

What we offer

With combined awareness of the head and the heart, new mindsets and new behaviour can emerge.

We support teams in: working as a team on trust (in each other and in the business); collaboration; giving direction and taking direction; giving and receiving feedback in an atmosphere of openness and receptivity; learning what is necessary for ongoing development and improvement as a team, so that result and fulfilment become intrinsically linked.

We co-create tailor-made programs together with the client, that align with daily practice.

Based on the firm belief that people have the answers to their personal questions already within themselves, we support individuals in their search for those answers, and guide them in making their own decisions. Whether it’s in their working life, personal life, or a combination of the two.

The goal of the coaching is to raise consciousness in clients so they can follow the course that truly feels right for them.

Coaching can be highly effective in addressing common issues such as challenges and changes at work, moving house, relationship doubts, worries around family and children etc.

All our coaches are MMS certified.


Working methods

For entrepreneurs and others in leadership roles who, alongside personal coaching, are also seeking an experienced sparring partner at a strategic level, executive coaching can be the ideal solution. All our MMS certified coaches have backgrounds in business, and extensive experience in the corporate world or as an entrepreneur.

Intervision is a powerful and inspiring method for professionals to learn from one another. Based on certain themes, individuals put their personal issues or questions before the group, and the participants are encouraged to listen openly, to question each other and to challenge and discuss existing beliefs and opinions.

The end goal is to clarify and solve dilemmas, to learn from each other and exchange knowledge, and to gain tools to help individuals to achieve their ambitions.

Mediation is an effective approach to dealing with conflict situations. Under the guidance of an independent third party, the mediator, the conflicting parties come together to find a mutually acceptable resolution to the conflict.

All our mediators are NMI registered, and are specialized in employment conflicts and problems arising within working relationships.

coaching, mentoring and mediation